• Lever, A., & Timmerman, C. (forthcoming). Justice in Global Intellectual Property. In A. Berger, C. Brandi, & E. Kollar (Eds.), Justice in Economic Governance. Edinburgh University Press.
  • Lever, A. (2024, September 11). Reviving Electoral Democracy. Blog of the American Philosophical Association.
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  • Lever, A., & Destri, C. (2024). Equality of Opportunity, Equality of Outcome and the Democratic Case for Lotteries. In G. Grandjean (Ed.), Against Sortition: The Problem With Citizen Assemblies (Ch 7). Imprint Academic.
    Book site
  • Lever, A. (2024). Equality. In R. Bellamy & J. King (Eds.), The Cambridge Handbook of Constitutional Theory (pp. 56–70). Cambridge University Press.
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  • Lever, A. (2023, September 12). L’égalité démocratique à l’épreuve du tirage au sort. La vie des idées.
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  • Lever, A. (2023). "The Circumstances of Democracy": Why Random Selection Is Not Better Than Elections If We Value Political Equality and Privacy. Washington University Review of Philosophy, 3 (Philosophy of Privacy and Surveillance), 100–114.
    Open access Abstract
  • Lever, A. (2023). Random Selection, Democracy and Citizen Expertise. Res Publica, online first.
    Open access Abstract
  • Lever, A. (2023). ‪La démocratie et la sélection: Tirage au sort, élections et l’égalité‬. In S. Laugier & D. Rousseau (Eds.), La démocratie, une idée force (pp. 51–78). Mare et Martin.
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  • Lever, A. (2023). Yves Sintomer’s: The Government of Chance: Sortition from Athens to the Present. European Political Science, online first.
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  • Destri, Chiara & Lever, Annabelle. (2023). ‪Egalité démocratique et tirage au sort‬. Raison Publique, 26(1 Philosophie des elections), 63–79.
    Online publication Abstract
  • Albertsen, A., & Lever, A. (2023). Opportunities for Citizens to Participate in Organising Elections in Europe. In A. Lever (Ed.), Reconstructing Democracy in Times of Crisis: A Voter-Centred Perspective, (pp. 267–284). Pragma Publishing.
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  • Mráz, A., & Lever, A. (2023). Democratic Political Institutions in Europe. In A. Lever (Ed.), Reconstructing Democracy in Times of Crisis: A Voter-Centred Perspective, (pp. 7-52). Pragma Publishing.
    Open access Abstract
  • Mráz, A., & Lever, A. (2023). Voter-Centred Perspectives on Electoral Democracy. In A. Lever (Ed.), Reconstructing Democracy in Times of Crisis: A Voter-Centred Perspective, (pp. 151-185). Pragma Publishing.
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  • Mráz, A., & Lever, A. (2023). How Political Institutions Affect the Conflicts of Duty and Prudence Facing Democratic Voters. In A. Lever (Ed.), Reconstructing Democracy in Times of Crisis: A Voter-Centred Perspective, (pp. 217-244). Pragma Publishing.
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  • Lever, A. (2022, May 12). ‪Citizen assemblies and the challenges of democratic equality‬. The Conversation.
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  • Lever, Annabelle, & van Parijs, P. (2022). Perché andiamo a votare: Prospettive a confronto. In C. Fumagalli & V. Ottonelli (Eds.), Come Votiamo? La pratica démocratica del voto, tra diritto individuale e scelt collettiva (pp. 13–33). Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli.
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  • Lever, A. (2021, March 1). ‪Plaidoyer pour la déconstruction‬. Telos.
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  • Lever, A., & Gerber, D. (2021). ‪Pragmatism and Epistemic Democracy: Introduction‬. Raisons Politiques, 81 (1), 5–10.
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  • Lever, A. (2021). Towards a Democracy-Centred Ethics. In Scavenius, Theresa &s; K. Lippert-Rasmussen (Eds.), Facts and Norms (pp. 18–33). Routledge.
    Book site Abstract
  • Lever, A. (2021). ‪Democracy and truth‬. Raisons Politiques, 81 (1), 29–38.
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  • Lever, A., & Safra, L. (2021). ‪‪Rethinking the Epidemiogenic Power of Modern Western Societies‬. Frontiers in Sociology, 6:638777.
    Open access
  • Lever, A. (2020). A Sense of Proportion: Some Thoughts on Equality, Security and Justice‬. Res Publica, 26, 357-371.
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  • Lever, A. (2020). Against Racial Profiling. In B. Fischer (Ed.), Ethics, Left and Right: The Moral Issues that Divide Us (pp. 571–575). Oxford University Press.
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  • Lever, A. (2020). Reply to Hillman. In B. Fischer (Ed.), Ethics, Left and Right: The Moral Issues that Divide Us (pp. 585–586). Oxford University Press.
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  • Lever, A. (2019). ‪Towards a Political Philosophy of Human Rights‬. In D. Satz & A. Lever (Eds.), Ideas That Matter: Democracy, Justice, Rights, (pp. 231–250). Oxford University Press.
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  • Lever, A., & Chin, C. (2019). Democratic epistemology and democratic morality: The appeal and challenges of Peircean pragmatism. Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy, 22 (4), 432-453.
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  • Lever, A. (2019, May 31). ‪Le mot <<race>>: Un débat français‬. AOC (Analyse, Opinion, Critique)..
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  • Lever, A. (2018). Vie Privée. In J. Deonna & E. Tieffenbach (Eds.), Petit Traité des Valeurs. Éditions d'Ithaque.
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  • Lever, A., & Simon, C. (2018 Winter). Privacy for the French: Annabelle Lever talks to Camille Simon. Source,96.
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  • Lever, A., & Volacu, A. (2018). Should Voting Be Compulsory? Democracy and the Ethics of Voting. In A. Lever & A. Poama (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Ethics and Public Policy, (pp. 242–254). Routledge.
    Book site Abstract
  • Lever, A. (2017). Janice Richardson. Law and the philosophy of privacy. Contemporary Political Theory, 16 (3), 402-404.
    Online publication
  • Lever, A. (2017). Democracy, Epistemology and the Problem of All‐White Juries. Journal of Applied Philosophy, 34 (4), 541-556.
    Online publication Abstract
  • Lever, A. (2017). ‪Equality and Conscience: Ethics and the Provision of Public Services‬. In C. Laborde & A. Bardon (Eds.), Religion in Liberal Philosophy, (pp. 233–248). Oxford University Press.
    Online publication Abstract
  • Lever, A. (2017). Racial Profiling and the Political Philosophy of Race. In N. Zack (Ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy and Race, (pp. 425–435). Oxford University Press.
    Online publication Abstract
  • Lever, A. (2016). Statistical Discrimination. The Philosophers’ Magazine, 72 (1), 75-76.
    Online publication
  • Lever, A. (2016). Naomi Zack, White Privilege and Black Rights: The Injustice of US Police Racial Profiling and Homicide‬. Ethics, 126 (4).
    Online publication
  • Lever, A. (2016). Must We Vote for the Common Good? In E. Crookston, D. Killoren, & J. Trerise (Eds.), Ethics in Politics: The Rights and Obligations of Individual Political Agents (pp. 155–166). Routledge
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  • Lever, A. (2016). ‪Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen, Luck Egalitarianism. Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews, May 12.
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  • Lever, A. (2016). ‪Democratic Equality and Freedom of Religion‬: Beyond Coercion and Persuasion. Philosophy and Public Issues, 6 (1), 55-65.
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  • Lever, A. (2016). ‪Democracy and security‬. In A. Moore (Ed.), Privacy, Security, and Accountability: Ethics, Law, and Policy. Rowman & Littlefield.
    Book site Abstract
  • Lever, A. (2015). Privacy and Democracy: What the Secret Ballot Reveals. Law, Culture and the Humanities, 11 (2), 164–183.
    Online publication Abstract
  • Lever, A. (2015). ‪Democracy and Epistemology: A Reply to Talisse‬. Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy, 18 (1), 74-81.
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  • Lever, A. (2015). ‪Conscience versus equality‬. The Philosophers’ Magazine, 69, 30-32.
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  • Lever, A. (2014). Book Review: Response to James B. Rule. Law, Culture and the Humanities, 10 (1), 188-190.
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  • Lever, A. (2014). ‪When the Philosopher Enters the Room. Comments on Jonathan Wolff’s Approach to Philosophy and Public Policy. Philosophy and Public Issues, 4 (3: Ethics and Public Policy), 7–19.
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  • Lever, A. (2014). ‪La honte et la vie privée‬. In A. Lacroix & J.-J. Safarti (Eds.), La honte: Philosophie, éthique et psychanalyse (pp. 129–148). Le Cercle Herméneutique.
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  • Lever, A. (2013). ‪Vote obligatoire‬. In I. Casillo, Barbier, R, & Blondiaux, L (Eds.), Dictionnaire critique et interdisciplinaire de la Participation, DicoPart (1ère édition) GIS Démocratie et Participation.
    Open access
  • Lever, A. (2013). ‪Taxation, Conscientious Objection and Religious Freedom‬. Ethical Perspectives, 20 (1), 144–153.
    Online publication
  • Lever, A. (2013). Privacy: Restrictions and Decisions. American Philosophical Association Newsletter in Philosophy and Law, 13 (1: Tribute to Anita L. Allen), 1–7.
    Open access
  • Lever, A. (2013). ‪Privacy, democracy, and security‬: On the justifications of surveillance. The Philosophers’ Magazine, 63 (4), 99-105.
    Online publication
  • Lever, A. (2013). ‪Democracy, Deliberation, and Public Service Reform. In S. Griffiths, H. Kippin, & G. Stoker (Eds.), Public Services: A New Reform Agenda (pp. 91–106). Bloomsbury Academic Press.
    Open access Abstract
  • Lever, A. (2012). Neuroscience v. privacy? A democratic perspective. In S. Edwards, G. Rees, & S. J. L. Edwards (Eds.), I Know What You Are Thinking: Brain Imagining and Mental Privacy (pp. 204–221). Oxford University Press.
    Book site Abstract
  • Lever, A. (2012). Introduction: Philosophy of Intellectual Property — Incentives, rights and duties. In A. Lever (Ed.), New Frontiers in the Philosophy of Intellectual Property (pp. 1–32). Cambridge University Press.
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  • Lever, A. (2012). ‪Privacy, Private Property, and Collective Property‬. The Good Society, 21 (1), 47–60.
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  • Lever, A. (2011, July 23). ‪Intellectual Property Rights: A Political Theory Perspective‬. E-International Relations, 23.
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  • Lever, A. (2011). Treating People as Equals: Ethical Objections to Racial Profiling and the Composition of Juries. The Journal of Ethics, 15 (1–2), 61–78.
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  • Lever, A. (2011, July 23). ‪Intellectual Property Rights: A Political Theory Perspective‬. E-International Relations, 23.
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  • Lever, A. (2011). Treating People as Equals: Ethical Objections to Racial Profiling and the Composition of Juries. The Journal of Ethics, 15 (1–2), 61–78.
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  • Lever, A. (2010). Compulsory voting: A critical perspective. British Journal of Political Science, 40 (4), 897–915.
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  • Lever, A. (2010). Democracy and Voting: A Reply to Lisa Hill. British Journal of Political Science, 40 (4), 925–929.
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  • Lever, A. (2009). Liberalism, Democracy and the Ethics of Voting. Politics, 29 (3), 223–227.
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  • Lever, A. (2009). ‪Racial Profiling and Jury Trials. The Jury Expert, 21 (1. Ethical Issues in Racial Profiling), 20–35.
    Open access Abstract
  • Lever, A. (2009). Is compulsory voting justified? Public Reason, 1 (1), 57–74.
    Open access Abstract
  • Lever, A. (2009). Democratic Choice, Legitimacy and the Case Against Compulsory Voting LSE Public Policy Review, June, 15-20.
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  • Lever, A. (2009). Democracy and Judicial Review: Are They Really Incompatible? Perspectives on Politics, 7 (4), 805-822.
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  • Lever, A. (2008). Mrs. Aremac and the Camera: A Response to Ryberg. Res Publica, 14 (1), 35-42.
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  • Lever, A. (2008). ‘A Liberal Defence of Compulsory Voting’: Some Reasons for Scepticism. Politics, 28 (1), 61–64.
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  • Lever, A. (2008). Is it Ethical to Patent Human Genes? In A. Gosseries, A. Marciano, & A. Strowel (Eds.), Intellectual Property and Theories of Justice (pp. 246–264). Palgrave MacMillan.
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  • Lever, A. (2007). What’s wrong with racial profiling? Another look at the problem. Criminal Justice Ethics, 26 (1), 20–28.
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  • Lever, A. (2007). Is Judicial Review Undemocratic? Public Law, 280–289.
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  • Lever, A. (2006). Privacy Rights and Democracy: A Contradiction in Terms? Contemporary Political Theory, 5 (2), 142-162.
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  • Lever, A. (2006). Sven Ove Hansson and Elin Palm (eds.). The Ethics of Workplace Privacy. Philosophy in Review, 26 (5), 348-350.
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  • Lever, A. (2005). Why racial profiling is hard to justify: A response to Risse and Zeckhauser. Philosophy & Public Affairs, 33 (1), 94-110.
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  • Lever, A. (2005). Quentin Skynner and Bo Strath (eds.): States and Citizens: History, Theory, Prospects. Contemporary Political Theory, 4 85-87.
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  • Lever, A. (2005). Feminism, Democracy and the Right to Privacy. Minerva: An Online Journal of Philosophy, 9 1-31.
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  • Lever, A. (2005). ‪Jose Maria Maravall and Adan Przeworski (eds.). Democracy and the Rule of Law‬. Contemporary Political Theory, 4 (2), 4-5.
    Online publication
  • Lever, A. (2005). ‪Beate Rossler (ed.). Privacies: Philosophical Evaluations. Philosophy in Review, 25 (1), 67-69.
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  • Lever, A. (2004). ‪Claudia Card (ed.). The Cambridge Companion to Simone De Beauvoir. Philosophy in Review, 24 (3), 172-174.
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  • Lever, A. (2004). Jo Ellen Jacobs. The Voice of Harriet Taylor Mill. Philosophy in Review, 24 (2), 118-119.
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  • Lever, A. (2004). ‪Anita L. Allen. Why Privacy Isn’t Everything: Feminist Reflections on Personal Accountability. Philosophy in Review, 24 (1), 1-3.
    Online publication
  • Lever, A. (2001). Ethics and the patenting of human genes. The Journal of Philosophy, Science & Law, 1 (1), 31-46.
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  • Lever, A. (2000). ‪The Politics of Paradox: A Reply to Wendy Brown‬. Constellations: An International Journal of Critical And Democratic Theory, 7 (2), 242-254.
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  • Lever, A. (2000). Must privacy and sexual equality conflict? A philosophical examination of some legal evidence. Social Research, 67 (4), 1137-1171.
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